Ljubljana Gang

Erasmus semester in Ljubljana

Residence Permit in Slovenija


This morning we visited the administrative office to apply for a temporary residence permit for our study semester abroad. We have bumped into a series of problems - that is why I decided to start this blog.

The place you have to go is: Administrative Unit Ljubljana, Administrative Internal Affairs Sector, Department for Foreign Citizens, however, the name of the office was written only in Slovenian: Upravna enota Ljubljana,  Sektor za upravne notranje zadeve, Oddelek za tujce. The address is Tobačna ulica 5.

At this website the university provided some information about what you will need when applying for a residence permit: https://www.uni-lj.si/study/information/temporary-residence-permit-in-the-republic-of-slovenia

It says you need these things:

  • valid identity card or a valid passport;
  • evidence of admission to study;
  • evidence of appropriate health insurance;
  • evidence of sufficient funds for subsistence. Signed statement suffices as proof of sufficient funds for subsistence;
  • personal photo (35 x 45mm).

But - as it turned out for us only on the spot - you also need these:

  • a COPY of your identity card or passport
  • a COPY of appropriate health insurance (it may be your European Health Insurance Card as in my case)
  • a COPY of admission to study (Acceptance Letter from the University)
  • additionally, you have to fill out a form that they provide there, you need to write your EMŠO number (received earlier via email).

And in case you forget to bring a photo in the right size, you can do it on the spot, FOR TEN EUROS!!! Ten euros for 6 pieces of 35x45mm photo.. That's why we decided to go to a copy shop near the office: Print Kaktus (Kopirnica Kaktus, Rimska cesta 19), where we could download our photos from our emails, put them on one page, resize them, and they printed them for us to a photo paper in coloured version for only 0,74 EUR. They accepted it at the office.

And if you have everything, you have to take a number and wait for several hours. We arrived there at 11 a.m. and went away for lunch and a coffee for a short time, and I got in at 14:30 p.m.

And the most important thing is: applying for residence permit costs you 14-something EUR!!!!!  You may pay with card or by cash. We were perplexed.

So, all in all, be prepared for this. And never go there on the first Monday of the semester.

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Ljubljana Gang

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